Laquan McDonald

There was little notice given when a white Chicago cop fatally shot a black 17-year-old in the middle of the street in October 2014. There were no newspaper obituaries, no press conferences, and no large protests. Laquan McDonald, who was carrying a knife, was the 14th person the city’s police had shot dead that year.

But McDonald’s death shocked the world 13 months later when a judge ordered the city to release a police dash-cam video of the shooting. The recording shows Officer Jason Van Dyke exit a police SUV and — within seconds — fire 16 shots at McDonald. Police reported McDonald had been swinging a knife at officers, but the video shows the teen walking away. The recording revealed both the murder and the police cover-up.

There was little notice given when a white Chicago cop fatally shot a black 17-year-old in the middle of the street in October 2014. There were no newspaper obituaries, no press conferences, and no large protests. Laquan McDonald, who was carrying a knife, was the 14th person the city’s police had shot dead that year. But McDonald’s death shocked the world 13 months later when a judge ordered the city to release a police dash-cam video of the shooting. Police reported McDonald had been swinging a knife at officers, but the video shows the teen walking away. The recording shows Officer Jason Van Dyke exit a police SUV and fire 16 shots at McDonald within 14.7 seconds.

16 shots in 14.7 seconds

Jason Van Dyke was charged with first-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm [one for each shot] on the day the video was released. He was arrested and initially held without bail at the Cook County Jail.[4] He was released on bail on November 30. The city reached a settlement with McDonald's family. On October 5, 2018, Van Dyke was found guilty of second degree murder, as well as

16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm, one for each bullet he fired.